
Neither using this website nor contacting Shoemaker Ghiselli + Schwartz LLC (“SGS”) will establish an attorney-client relationship with SGS. An attorney-client relationship between you and SGS requires the consideration of a number of different factors, including (among other things) conflicts and potential conflicts of interest. Such a relationship can only be created upon a written engagement agreement detailing the terms of such relationship.

Absent an attorney-client relationship with SGS, you should not send any confidential information to SGS. If you send confidential information to SGS prior to the formation of an attorney-client relationship, you assume all risks of doing so.

Descriptions of matters in which we have represented clients are intended only to convey the experience of SGS attorneys and are not predictive of results in other matters. Likewise, any testimonial, endorsement, or similar statement on this website does not constitute a guarantee or prediction about the outcome of any particular matter.